Mary Shows Us the Way!
Hello 1-4! Welcome to 1st grade! I am so excited to be your new teacher this year!
A little about my educational background: I attended Molloy University where I received my Bachelor's Degree in History and Education and Queens College where I received my Masters in Children's Literature.
My teaching experience: I taught in both a public and Charter School in Brooklyn and Queens. I also taught at St. Agnes for five years!
A little about my family: My husband of 16 years and I have two boys and one girl. Both of my boys are former St. Agnes students! We also have two Cane Corso puppies named Roman and Mossi (who happen to be brothers!).
St. Agnes is truly a special place and a home away from home. I am so happy to be teaching first grade here again! Together we are going to have an exciting year growing and learning as much as we can. I can't wait for a memorable and faith-filled year with all of you!
C- No Special
D- Art
Click the link for Extra FUNdations Paper
Please check Google Classroom for weekly homework, spelling words and upcoming tests. Thank you!
My Food Days offer a variety of lunch choices. Log onto your account on to select and purchase your order in advance.
Water bottle coupons (10 for $15) and snack coupons (12 for $12 *2 tickets for ice cream*) will be sold during lunch. Please place the exact amount or a check made payable to St. Agnes School, in an envelope with your child's name and his/her teacher's name.
October: Courage
November: Gratitude
December: Peace