Welcome back to the start of another academic year here at St. Agnes Cathedral School!
Our theme for this year is "Mary shows us the Way" and we will focus on the virtues and example that Mary, Our Blessed Mother, provides for us.
My name is Mrs. O'Loughlin and I am in homeroom 5-2.
I teach Math to all four of the fifth grade classes as well as teaching Religion to both 5-1 and 5-2.
Fifth grade Math focuses primarily on Decimals, Fractions, Geometry, Measurement, and Graphs. We use the iReady Classroom series.
The students use their ipads to check Google Classroom each day for all assignments and class notes.
The most important subject taught here at St. Agnes is Religion. We use the Word of Life textbook series and the fifth grade students also receive their first Bible. It is truly a privilege to share the Catholic faith with our students and to attend Mass together each week.
We are looking forward to an exciting and productive school year, filled with lots of growth, new friends, and academic success. My the Blessed Mother, Mary, pray for us and protect us always. Amen
Each month, the St. Agnes school community focuses on a different virtue. The virtue for the month for September is Wisdom. We reflect that one of the many titles given to Mary is "Seat of Wisdom". May the Blessed Mother guide us with her wisdom and grace.
A Day Gym
B Day Spanish
C Day Music
E Day Art
F Day Library
Google Classroom https://accounts.google.com
Sophia Institute (Religion series) https://www.sophiainstitute.com/
iReady https://login.i-ready.com/login/
IXL https://www.ixl.com/math/
(practice grade-level Math skills)
Fraction Tiles https://toytheater.com/fraction-strips/
Academic Skills Builder (Fun game for multiplication tables practice) https://www.arcademics.com/games/grand-prix
Formed (Parish Religious Formation Resources) https://formed.org
US Conference of Catholic Bishops http://www.usccb.org