The theme of this week’s Gospel reflection is “Lost and Found.” Do you remember a time when you lost something, perhaps a possession of great importance? When we lose something of high value, we search and search until we finally find it. And the discovery brings such a sense of relief. The greater the value of what was lost, the more we rejoice in finding it.
Three times, Jesus uses this theme of something valuable being lost and found as the backdrop for his message in the Gospel reading today: a shepherd losing one of his sheep, a woman losing a coin, a father losing a son. Jesus uses these analogies in a personal way to describe God’s own seeking us out when we are lost and separated from him by sin: all of heaven rejoices when even one sinner is found and returns to God. That is the kind of rejoicing that happens in heaven for us! But the analogy doesn’t end there. We can find incredible gratitude stirring up in our hearts when we think of the ways God has pursued us and found us when we were lost. The more lost we were, the deeper our gratitude should be. Moreover, we should share the Lord’s heart for those who are lost. Once we’ve been found, God calls us to share in his desire to see others found and restored in relationship with him.
God of love we place in your loving arms the thousands of innocent lives that were lost on that unforgettable morning of September 11, 2001. We also remember the courage of the countless men and women who put their lives at risk in order to rescue, alleviate and bring solace to the afflicted. Help us to continue to work for a world free from every form of hatred, violence, and ignorance. May terrorism -- in all its forms -- disappear from the face of the earth. Amen
The first week of school is in the books. As we enter the second week, the school children will continue to learn their routines and dig into their academic studies. Please join the Mothers’ Club for their Welcome Mass at 7:30 PM on Monday, September 12th in the Cathedral. Following Mass, they will have their General Meeting in the Parish Center.
Regis High School Information Night for Long Island is on Thursday, September 15 at 7:00 P.M. at St. Anthony's Church: 110 Anchor Avenue, Oceanside, NY. Regis is a highly competitive, tuition-free Catholic High School for boys. Candidates for admission MUST be nominated by the principal. Please note, that there is a conflict between this night and our High School Information Night/Meet the Teachers and Administration. If you were planning on attending the Regis Night, please do. Important information regarding Regis is disseminated and should not be missed if you and your son are seriously contemplating Regis. Please contact me if you fall into this category.
Grade 8 TACHS Exam: The Test for Admission to Catholic High School is on Saturday, November 5th. Registration for the exam is open. To register, click on the link below.
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser We are officially kicking off our annual school fundraiser with Charleston Wrap and we need YOUR help! To reach our goals and make this fundraiser a success, we need everyone to do their part. Luckily, it is very easy to participate! A packet was brought home this weekwhich contains a sample catalog and instructions for ordering. Many more items are available online. All orders need to be placed online and will be shipped directly to your home. We appreciate all your support. Thank you for your help in reaching our budget goal! The fundraiser will run through October 7, 2022, but you can continue to place orders through December 2, 2022. The prizes will be determined for orders placed by October 7, 2022. We truly appreciate all your support in this event. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Tomlin at 516-678-5550 ext. 112 and she will be happy to assist you.
On Monday, September 12th, the students in grades 1-8 will attend our 1st school Mass of the year at 9:45 A.M. Parents are welcome to attend.
Wednesday, September 14th is Meet the Teachers and Administration Night for Grades K-4. The night will begin with a general meeting at 7:30 in the Parish Center followed by presentations in the school.
Thursday, September 15th is Meet the Teachers and Administration for Grades 5-8. The Night will begin with a general meeting at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center followed by presentations in the school.
On Thursday, September 15th before Meet the Teacher and Administration Night, there is a High School Information Night at 6:30 P.M. in the Parish Center for 7th and 8th-grade parents.
On Friday, September 16th, PaulEffman Band Program will be here to introduce the students to the band program. Information regarding band lessons will be distributed.
Say Cheese! Picture Day is coming!
Lifetouch School Photographers will be here on September 27th and 28th to take the students' school pictures. Lunchtime Aides are asked to sit for a picture for your school ID card.
Service Club: Grades 6-8
The St. Agnes Cathedral School Catholic Service Club is an after-school club for middle school students (grades 6-8) in attendance at St. Agnes Cathedral School. Members of the club are given opportunities to provide service to the school and the community. Interested middle school students should fill out the Google Form embedded below and submit it bythis Friday, September 16th.
The first Service Club Meeting for the year will be on Monday, September 19th from 3-4 P.M. for all students who register in Grades 6-8. Pick up from this meeting will be at 4 PM in front of the Gymnasium.
Fall Sports: Boys Soccer and Girls Soccer, Boys and Girls Cross Country, and Girls Volleyball
All forms and documents (Online tryout form and medical release, RVC NYSED Heath History Form (was sent home with students in grades 7 and 8 on Friday) and Physical Forms must be submitted prior to tryouts by 9 A.M. on Tuesday, September 13th. Due to team submission deadlines, we are not able to take any forms after the 13th. The sports fee is not due until after tryouts and once teams are selected.
Soccer Tryouts
Girls: Tuesday, September 13th- 3:00 to 4:00 pm (Reverend Days Field) and Thursday, September 16th - 3:00-4:00 pm (Darcy Field)
Boys: Tuesday, September 13th- 4:00 to 5:00 pm (Reverend Days Field) and Thursday, September 16th - 4:00-5:00 pm (Darcy Field)
Volleyball Tryouts
Wednesday and Thursday, September 21st and 22nd 2:45 - 4:30 p.m. (Stags gym)
Cross Country Meeting
Tuesday, September 13th from 3:00-4:00 (back school lot)
Mothers Club
Please join us tomorrow night at a special mass dedicated to the wonderful moms of St. Agnes Cathedral School! Our Welcome Back Mass is at 7:30 PM (Monday, September 12th) in the Cathedral followed by a fun reception and our General Meeting in the Parish Center.
This is a great opportunity to learn all about the Mothers' Club, see old friends and meet new ones. You will have the opportunity to sign up for class parent, volunteer for upcoming events, purchase spirit wear, and much more! Please join us and get involved in a wonderful organization.
St. Agnes Goes Gold for Pediatric Cancer Awareness
Once again, St. Agnes Cathedral School is teaming up with The Mary Ruchalski Foundation to help raise funds and awareness to fight against pediatric cancer. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the foundation, it was started by Mary’s family after she lost her battle with cancer two days before her 13th birthday. Mary was a student at St. Agnes Cathedral School and loved the school, her friends, and her family. She was smart, athletic, and a friend to all. September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness month and there are a few events and ways you can help support this cause and the foundation. To help raise funds, St. Agnes Cathedral School is selling t-shirts ($10) and lanterns ($5 or 5 for $20) with 100% of the proceeds going to the foundation. Rockville Centre and many surrounding towns hope to light the town GOLD on September 23rd and 24th by lining homes and streets with the lanterns. All lanterns will be available for pick up at the home of Deirdre O’Neill (72 Fonda Road, Rockville Centre). The St. Agnes Go Gold t-shirts or a gold t-shirt and gym shorts may be worn at school on September 30th for a special GUM Day. Additional information about lantern and t-shirt pick-up will be sent via email when the shirts are ready. Both items can be purchased via Cheddar Up.
Plans are underway for the 45th annual Garden Potpourri! Please mark your calendars and save the date for Sunday, October 16th.
This is our largest fundraising event of the year. The Garden Potpourri is a day full of fall fun and is a wonderful opportunity to get together with the community. Please spread the word to your family and friends. This is a terrific way to embrace the changing of the seasons, have fun and support our school!
The 2022 Garden Potpourri will include:
Hand-painted pumpkins
Christmas Crafts
Local vendors
Food at the Calico Cafe
Homemade baked goods
STAGS Spirit wear table (come look at our new stock)
Kids' corner (games, pumpkin painting, and a DJ!)
Small selection of flowers (for larger selection please order from our flower pre-order sale)
Our famous St. Agnes Hot Pepper Jam
We hope you can come and join us for a day of fun!
We are in need of volunteers to help us both on the day of and before the event. Painters, bakers, crafty moms, organized moms, and moms that like to have fun are all welcome! We promise there is something for everyone! If you can spare some time to help out, please let us know.
For more information on this event please contact:
Our annual Flower Sale will begin shortly. Purchase beautiful mums, cabbages, and more to make your fall garden pop with color and foliage. Keep an eye out for additional details and the order form which will be sent out shortly.
Fathers’ Club Welcome Back BBQ is on Friday, September 23rd on the Field of Dreams. Look for more info to come.
Peace and Blessings to you on this 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mrs. Cecilia St. John, Principal