Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s Gospel reading on The Wedding Feast at Cana offers two examples of prompt obedience and Christian discipleship. The first example is Mary, the mother of Jesus. She notices the crisis about to unfold at the wedding feast: The wine has run short. To run out of wine would have brought great shame upon the family hosting the wedding feast. Mary sees the need and immediately brings the concern to the one person who can make a difference: Jesus. In her actions, Mary teaches us to go promptly to Jesus with all our needs.
The second example is the servants who give full obedience to Jesus’ commands, filling the stone jars with water. Even though they do not see how jars full of water will solve the problem of the wine shortage, they trust Jesus’ words and obey him perfectly, filling the jars “to the brim.” Mary’s words “Do whatever he tells you” are at the heart of today’s reading. These words reflect her own interior disposition to do God’s will and inspire the servants to give trusting obedience to Christ. May Mary’s words encourage us to show our trust in Jesus by promptly obeying him in all things, filling our “jars” in whatever he may ask of us “to the brim.”
School is closed on Monday, January 17th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Please send in a family picture for the main hallway banner no later than Friday, January 21st. Don’t be left out of our family picture!
The students may wear their gym uniforms, Monday-Friday, to school this week.
COVID-19 Home Test Kits: If you were not able to pick up your COVID-19 home test kits last Thursday and Friday, you may pick them up this week starting on Wednesday, January 19th from the Door Greeters between the hours of 9 A.M. and 2 P.M.
COVID-19 Reporting: Please continue to use the Google Form, embedded below, to report positive cases and direct contacts.
On Thursday, January 20th Lifetouch Photographers will be here to photograph the 8th graders for their graduation pictures. The 8th graders should wear their button-down dress shirts with their gym uniform sweatpants on that day. The boys need to bring their school ties. After the Lifetouch pictures are taken, the 8th graders will have their yearbook pictures taken.
Grade 8 Confirmation forms and fees are due to the Office of Religious Education no later than February 1st. Please note, the Sponsor Testimony Form will be mailed directly to your child's sponsor from the Office of Religious Education. The form is not included with your papers.
On Wednesday, January 19th, iReady Diagnostic 2 will begin. Please make sure your child is well-rested, eats a nutritious breakfast, and comes to school with his/her iPad fully charged.
Flynn and O’Hara Uniform Suppliers will NOT be here on Thursday, January 20th for uniform orders or measurement. They will be here on March 3rd instead.
Re-registration forms and fees are due on Friday, January 21st. The re-registration form for the 2022-23 school year is embedded below. Please fill it out and return it to school by January 21st, the Feast of St. Agnes, if you are returning to St. Agnes Cathedral School next year. Registration for new families to St. Agnes Cathedral School will begin on January 30th.
Friday, January 21st is the Feast Day of St. Agnes of Rome. We will have a special school Mass at 1:30 P.M. in honor of our beautiful patron saint.
Drama Club
Auditions are after school this week:
If any student has a conflict and needs to audition at a specific time, please contact Mrs. Morr. If you are absent on the day of auditions, you will audition on the day of your return. Casting will take place no later than Friday, January 21st.
This year’s show will be announced after auditions.
This year 5th graders are invited to be a part of our ensemble. Sign-ups will be on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 18th and 19th. Further information regarding the 5th graders' participation will be forthcoming.
Practices will start the last week in January, pending the materials arrive, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3-5 P.M. Some practices will go to 6 P.M. They will be announced in advance for those impacted.
The Drama Club fee is $125.00.
Middle School Sports
This week's schedule will be emailed to you later this weekend. Please email the coaching staff or Mrs. Brower (mbrower5546@stagnes-school.
The annual tradition of celebrating Catholic schools in our nation is coming up in a few weeks. Our theme this year is St. Agnes Cathedral School: We Follow the Son.
Opening Mass at 9:30 A.M. on Sunday, January 30, 2022
Children entering Kindergarten must be five years of age by Dec. 1, 2022. Children entering grades 1-7 must present their most recent report card and standardized test results. Applicants must present a birth certificate and baptismal certificate (if applicable) upon registration and a $100.00 non-refundable registration fee for grades 1-7 and a $300.00 non-refundable registration fee for Kindergarten. Acceptance is contingent upon screening. Tuition assistance is available through the Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation. Applications will be available on the Foundation’s website this month:
Please call the school office at 516-678-5550 for information about registration.
Listening Session: Thank you to all for sharing your thoughts and concerns, whether it was in-person, in the Zoom chat box, or on the Google Form. The chat box and Google Form have been read in their entirety.
Please know that the administration does not have the answers to all the concerns that were made, however, we will evaluate our current practices and research ways to improve them, keeping everyone’s concerns in mind.
Unfortunately, the session was not recorded, due to permission rights which the school does not possess. Please click on the link below to access a summary of the session.
Listening Session
Quarantine and Isolation Chart: Jan 14, 2022
Finally, the parish will be celebrating the Feast of St. Agnes with the following events:
St. Agnes, Pray for Us!
Peace and Blessings,
Mrs. Cecilia St. John, Principal