Based on the New York State Learning Standards for English Language Arts, the ELA core curriculum is organized in grade level clusters, focusing on four ELA standards, reading, writing, listening and speaking. The competencies to be achieved by all students are clearly delineated. A sequential approach to instruction in this area is developed in grades K-8. Reading, although part of language arts, is treated as a separate curriculum area. A literature-based basal series provides systematic development of reading skills in Kindergarten through grade 5. Vocabulary and comprehension development, study and critical thinking skills and an appreciation for literature are the major components. A comprehensive literature course is offered to all students in grades 6-8. The curriculum expands and enhances vocabulary development, an appreciation of literature, and critical thinking skills.
As a school community, we recognize that teachers in all content areas share the responsibility for the development of reading, writing, listening and speaking competencies. All grade levels have incorporated strategies and activities that emphasize the four basic standards. Integrated units on all grade levels include the use of literature, writing, listening and speaking activities.
Flexible grouping strategies have allowed classroom teachers to present whole class presentations as well as the opportunity to work with small groups of students. Title 1 services are available for students in grades 1-6 who demonstrate deficiencies. A support teacher in grades 1 & 2 is available to work with students needing assistance as well as those who need to be enriched.
The results of the State Assessment for grades 4 & 8 have assisted teachers in re-designing curriculum and engaging the students in more listening and critical thinking activities. An after school tutorial program is conducted to assist targeted students in preparation for the New York State English Language Arts Assessment.