Arrival for all students - 8:15 AM
Lunch - 11:12 AM-12:12 PM
Walker Dismissal - 2:45 PM
Bus Dismissal - 2:45 PM
*Please report your child's absence by 9 AM or change in dismissal routine by 2 PM using the Pick Up Patrol app.
*An absent note must accompany your child on the day he/she returns from an absence. Otherwise, it will be considered an unexcused absence. Thank you!
My Food Days offer a variety of lunch choices. Log onto your account on to select & purchase your order in advance.
Water bottle coupons (10 for $15) & snack coupons (12 for $12 *2 tickets for ice cream) will be sold during lunch.
Please place the exact amount or a check made payable to St. Agnes School in an envelope with your child’s name & his/her teacher’s name.
Please note, water bottle & snack coupons cannot be purchased through the school’s Venmo account.
September: Wisdom
October: Courage
November: Gratitude
December: Peace
January: Faith
February: Love
March: Humility
April: Patience
May: Hope
June: Charity