“For behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.”
Have you ever missed an airplane flight? If you have, you know the sinking feeling as you approach the gate, see the closed door, and realize that you are now in a world of trouble. Today’s Gospel reading takes that one step further and asks us to contemplate what it would be like to miss out on heaven, having that door shut on us forever. “There will be wailing and grinding of teeth,” Jesus says, and he tells us that the wailing will last for eternity.
When the people of Jesus’ time heard this, they wanted to know how many people were going to be saved. Today we might ask the same question; we want to know if we are going to be among those on the inside or those left on the outside. Jesus doesn’t respond with a number or a percentage. Instead, he tells us to “strive to enter through the narrow gate.” And then he ominously adds that “many…will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.”
So what are we to do if we don’t want to have the door to eternity shut on us, to have the master say he never knew us? The answer is as simple as it is challenging. Following the example of Jesus, we need to sacrifice our own wants and desires in order to live our lives for God and for others. Each time we stretch ourselves to love others we build up the strength and virtue needed to pass through the narrow way. Jesus warns us that it will not be easy, but he also encourages us that it is not impossible, for it is love that enables us to find our way and Jesus himself, who has promised never to leave us.
This year’s school theme is “We are Workers in God’s Vineyard.” We are not workers because we wished to be workers; it is God who called us to be. It is our mission to strive to know God better by carrying out His will. Working in the vineyard is not easy. Those who don’t successfully work in the vineyard will have a very challenging time entering heaven. “Many…will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.”This year we are going to focus on being strong workers in God’s vineyard. We are going to strengthen ourselves physically through good actions and deeds and spiritually through our prayer life. We will build up the virtues needed to pass through the narrow gate.
Welcome Back to School
The first day of school for students in Grades 1-8 is Wednesday, September 7th.The students are to report to their last year’s classroom no later than 8:15 A.M. The students should bring their lunch to school. Dismissal is at 2:45 P.M.
Uniforms: Our school uniform provider is Flynn and O’Hara. Uniforms may be purchased in person at the Flynn and O’Hara store in Plainview or online through their website.
Flynn and O'Hara Plainview Store Plainview, NY 11803 131 Sunnyside Blvd. Suite 104
All students in Grades 1-8 should be in either the summer or the formal uniform. The summer uniform will be in effect from September 7th to October 15th for those who choose to wear it.
Girls’ skirts may not be more than 2 inches above the knee.
Boys’ hair must be short, neat, and well-groomed.
Students out of compliance with the uniform code will not be permitted to attend class.
New Students should report to the Main Office. They will be escorted to the Library for an orientation.
Kindergarten will begin onThursday, September 8thfor students with last names A- L and Friday, September 9thfor last names M-Z. These opening days for Kindergarten are full days.
The Kindergarten children should assemble in the school yard behind the school no later than 8:30 A.M. on this day only. Kindergarten parents should be present on the first day. In the event of rain, we will assemble in the Carlin Dining Hall. Kindergarten will dismiss at 2:45 P.M. for car riders and bus riders.
Students with last names A-L do not report to school on Friday and Kindergarten students with last names M-Z do not report to school on Thursday.
On Monday, September 12th, and thereafter, All Kindergarten students should enter the school via the Carlin Doors on Clinton if they are a bus student or the Kindergarten Doors off the playground if they are using the Morning Drop-off. The Kindergarten Aides, Special Content Teachers, and Mrs. Brower will be on Clinton Ave. for the bus students, I will be in the back to assist the Morning Drop-off with additional teachers.
A PDF of the school calendar is posted on the school’s website, www.stagnes-school.org. It is located at the bottom of the website under Quick Links, “School Calendar and Handbook.” The digital calendar is in the process of being posted month by month.
Help, Help, Help: Lunchtime Aides and Morning Security Workers are needed for this school year.
If you are interested in being a Lunchtime Aide, please contact Mrs. Michele Walsh at mpwalsh509@gmail.com
If you are interested in being a Morning Security Volunteer, please contact Mr. John Congdon at jcongdon@bayoaksgroup.com
Save the Dates:
Mothers’ Club: New Moms Cocktail Party: August 29th
Mothers’ Club: Welcome Back Mass and Meeting: September 12th
Meet the Teachers Grades K-4: September 14th
High School Information Night: Grades 6-8: September 15th
Meet the Teachers Grades 5-8: September 15th
Fathers’ Club: Welcome Back BBQ: September 23rd
Peace and blessings to you and your families this 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.