Who wouldn’t want to take the direct path to happiness? Well, this week’s Gospel reading gives us a roadmap to follow if we want to be happy, not just in the future, but today as well. What is the wonderful guide, you may be asking? It’s the Beatitudes. What makes the Beatitudes so different is that their message runs contrary to what the world teaches about happiness. The world tells us that we can find true happiness in having successful careers, in being esteemed by our peers, by having a lot of money, getting the latest fashion, or having a lot of fun. The Beatitudes tell us that true happiness comes from self-sacrifice, from following the way of the Lord even when it is difficult, and from putting others first. This message wasn’t any easier to accept in Jesus’ time than it is today. However, we must all come to the point where we acknowledge our spiritual poverty and our complete dependence on God if we want to be truly happy. Then we can begin to understand why Jesus would say, “Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours.”
On Monday, February 14th, the school children should wear red with their gym uniforms for 1 dollar to support Mended Little Hearts. The 8th Grade members of the Service Club will lead the school children in heart-healthy exercises during recess.
The second iReady diagnostic results will be sent home on Monday, February 14th in sealed white envelopes. Please be on the lookout for your child’s results. If your child received an interim, it will be included with the iReady report. Please return the interim tear-off to school no later than Wednesday, February 16th, to confirm receipt of it. Please go over the concerns listed, and the suggestions that were given by the teachers to make improvements before the trimester ends.
Please make sure your child has a refillable water bottle every day.
NYS Prep Courses: Each year the students in grades 4 and 6 participate in the NYS Testing program in ELA and math. In order to help prepare the students for the NYS tests, the school is providing prep classes. Please click on the link below for the dates and times these classes are being offered as well as the registration form. Registration forms are due back to the school no later than Friday, February 18th.
COVID-19 Test Kits: The school received a second shipment of at-home COVID-19 test kits. We still have test kits left over from the January shipment and now more have arrived! If you would like to pick up a test kit, please call the school office to arrange a time to come in this week to pick up a kit for your child/ren.
COVID-19 Task Force Update: The COVID-19 Task Force met on Monday, January 31st. The meeting began with a prayer. The following topics were discussed:
The cafeterias will be re-configured to accommodate more children at a table. This will be in place when we return from winter recess. With the new configuration, the art room and library will be opened.
Indoor recess games have been purchased for all the classrooms. Thank you to parents who donated items for their child’s classroom. At this time the teachers have more than enough inside recess games for their students.
The playground squares will be removed during the summer.
As of now, the mask mandate is in effect for schools. More info regarding the mask mandate will be provided as it is revealed from the Governor’s office. Mask breaks are given to the students throughout the day. If your child needs additional mask breaks, he/she should tell his/her teacher.
Perrotta Consulting is the Diocesan Department of Education and MSI mitigation firm that assists the schools in how to run events and the daily operations of the school. The firm has assisted in keeping the schools open and events running. The diocesan legal department interprets guidelines regarding the legal mandates.
St. Agnes Cathedral School Board The St. Agnes Cathedral School Board is pleased to present the Enrichment Program for Winter 2022. This program is available to all interested students in grades 1-8. Please see the attached document for more information on our current offerings and our new online registration system. Registration will open on Monday, February 14, at 8 P.M. Classes will begin the week of February 28, 2022.
Mothers’ Club Valentine's Day Fundraiser 2022 SAMC has teamed up with Mother Kelly's in RVC for our latest fundraising event. We are offering Valentine's Day Pizza Kits. Please place your order before 2/13 at noon. All kits must be picked up at Mother Kelly's on Monday 2/14 between 11 A.M. -8 P.M.
PSA Don’t forget to bring a $1 donation and “Wear Red” with your gym uniform on Monday, Valentine’s Day, February 14 in support of Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and to raise money for Mended Little Hearts. Mended Little Hearts is a national organization providing support, education, and resources to families with children born with heart conditions. MLH Long Island works closely with NY Presbyterian /Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital, providing support to families while they are in-patient at the hospital. Oftentimes, cardiac patients will require procedures, including open-heart surgery, which results in families spending long periods of time in the hospital. Your donation will go towards providing these families with gift cards for food. What might seem like a small gesture is actually a HUGE help to a family at the hospital.
The 8th graders will be sharing the importance of heart health and leading the school in heart-healthy exercises on Monday- we are looking forward to getting our hearts pumping!
Stay tuned for more PSA events and Service Club activities ahead!
Wishing you all a very happy Saint Valentine's Day!