2nd Sunday of Lent: The Transfiguration
Consider today’s Gospel reading from the perspective of the apostles, Peter, James, and John. What an amazing experience it must have been for them to witness the Transfiguration!
Jesus singles these men out to join him as he ascends a mountain to pray. When they reach the summit, they see their master like never before. Jesus’ face changes and his clothes become dazzling white, as Peter, James, and John catch a glimpse of his glory.
They also see Jesus conversing with two of the most famous men in Israel’s history: Moses and Elijah. These men represent the two key parts of the Old Testament: Moses, as the author of the Torah, represents the Law; and Elijah, a great prophet, represents the Prophets. Together, their presence at this moment of Jesus’ transfiguration symbolizes how the entire Old Testament—the Law and the prophets—finds fulfillment in Christ.
Finally, Peter, James, and John hear a heavenly voice—the voice of God the Father—say to them: “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” This mysterious event continues to have a spiritual application to our lives today. Like the three apostles, we are called to ascend with Jesus every time we pray. And in prayer with our Lord, we are called to seek his glorious face and listen to him.
Did you Spring Ahead? Daylight Saving Time started at 2 A.M. this morning.
Graduation Photo Re-takes and Absentees: 8th-grade students sitting for graduation re-takes should bring their original package to school on Tuesday to return to Lifetouch. Those who were absent will sit for their picture. Information regarding the purchasing photos will be provided by Lifetouch when the pictures are delivered to the school.
Report Cards will be distributed to the students on Tuesday, March 15th. All tuition accounts must be up to date in order for your child to receive his/her report card.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, March 16th, and Thursday, March 17th are 12 Noon Dismissals for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Aftercare will not be in effect on those days.
Conferences are in-person and scheduled through the app Teacher Reacher (www.teacherreacher.com ). There is no need to create a new account if you created one in the past.
Extended Time: Teacher Reacher will remain open on Wednesday, morning until 9 A.M. to schedule conferences for Wednesday and on Thursday morning until 9 A.M. to schedule conferences for Thursday.
COVID-19 Update: Week ending March 4, 2022
Positive COVID-19 notifications
Home Test Kits
On Friday, March 18th there is no school for the students as the teachers and I participate in a full day of Professional Development.
Transportation requests for the 2022-23 school year are due to your home school district by March 31st. Please contact your home school district to make your request.
Saturday, March 19th is the RVC St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Please join us as we walk down Maple Ave. and march in front of our beautiful Cathedral to celebrate this great saint’s impact on our faith. Interested faculty, students, and families should contact the school for the registration link.
St. Patrick's Day Registration
Students marching with the school should wear warm clothes with St. Agnes Cathedral School spirit wear, school team sweatshirts, or the school colors, green and gold. Students in Grades K-3 must be accompanied by an adult. Details will follow regarding our start time and line-up location. The parade is from 12 noon to 2 P.M.
Mass will be celebrated before the parade at 9:00 A.M. featuring the Saint Agnes Cathedral Junior and Senior Girls' Choirs. The famous MacSwiney Chalice used during the Penal Laws in Ireland when the Catholic Faith was outlawed will be used for this Mass. To learn more about this Chalice please click on the link below:
Drama Club
Tuesday, 3/15
Block Pages 88 - 99 w/ Mrs. D.
Needed: Hans, Weselton, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, Elsa, Sven, Pabbie, Bulda
Music w/ Mrs. M.
Needed: Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Pabbie, Bulda, Olaf - songs 1st Time Reprise, Kristoff's Joink, Fixer Upper, Finale
Wednesday, 3/16: 12-noon dismissal
Students should dismiss at 12 noon. The full cast returns to school at 2 P.M. Practice will run from 2-5 to make up for last week's music portion of practice.
Middle School Sports
Congratulations to all Winter Sports Teams on an amazing season!!! Thank you to the coaches (Coach Mrs. Cook and Coach Mr. Cook, Coach Pendergast, Coach Poore, and Coach Farrell) for your hard work and dedication to our students!
Spring Sports
Paperwork was sent home last week: tryout form, notarized medical release, interval form, and physical forms. They were due on Thursday, March 10th. Please return any paperwork to the office no later than Monday, March 14th. The sports fee is not due until after tryouts and once teams are selected.
Girls Lacrosse
Tryouts: Monday 3/14 and Tuesday 3/15 @ 4:00-5:15
Location: St. Agnes Field of Dreams
Boys Lacrosse
Tryouts: Monday 3/14 and Tuesday 3/15 @ 2:45-4:00
Location: St. Agnes Field of Dreams
Boys Baseball and Girls Softball tryouts are next week on 3/21 and 3/22.
Mothers’ Club
Spring Bloom
Mothers’ Club Retreat
Fathers’ Club
The SAFC Bowling Outing will be held on Sunday, March 27 at 1 pm at Maple Lanes, 100 Maple Ave. RVC. Open to all students K through 8th Grade. Please register via the link below:
We are gearing up for a busy spring ahead! Our first spring Service Club event will be a Book Fairies Book Drive. This will be an activity run by the 7th grade.
There will be a meeting on March 14th from 2:45-3:45 for 7th grade Service Club Members to plan for the book drive. The book drive will be held on March 22, 23, and 24th.
The 7th-8th grade dance has been rescheduled for April 1st. Please save the date!
On the Horizon
The Second Grade Christmas Pageant highlighting the Feast of the Annunciation, the YES that made Christmas possible, will be performed on March 24th, the eve of the Feast.
NYS ELA Exam for Grades 4 and 6: March 29- 31
May the Son Shine on you and your families this Second Sunday of Lent.
Mrs. Cecilia St. John, Principal