7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Amazing Love
Love your enemy. Do good to those who persecute you.” Simply put, these are two of the most challenging statements that Jesus ever said. Yet this command is one of the basic requirements of being a disciple of Christ. Loving your enemy and doing good to those who persecute you are not just lofty ideas or a romanticized vision of Jesus—they are the basic responses of a Christian disciple.
Why would Jesus demand such a high standard of his followers? Isn’t this kind of love and forgiveness extremely difficult, almost impossible? Humanly speaking, yes. But with God all things are possible, and the Lord wants to transform our hearts to enable us to love others with the love he has for us.
The first reading and Gospel reading for this week reveal the kind of love that overcomes all things, even hatred, and fear. The love of God that Jesus reveals in his death and Resurrection, the fact that he loved us even when we were his enemies in sin is the same love that we as followers of Christ are to witness to the entire world. Christians are not to win converts by fear or coercion or the sword. Like our Master and Savior, we conquer overwhelmingly with our love, a love so radical that even the enemies of Christians, when they are loved by those they hate, cannot help but be moved.
School is closed this week, February 21- 25, for Presidents’ Week.
The school children made thank you cards for the First Responders who jumped into action to put out the tanker that exploded on Sunrise Highway early Tuesday morning. When we return from Winter Recess, the Service Club will deliver the cards to the RVC Fire Department and RVC Police Station. We are collecting Gift Cards for them to local restaurants to go with the thank you cards. Please send in Gift Cards on Monday and Tuesday, February 28th and March 1st.
Everyone Loves A Parade!
RVC St. Patrick’s Day Parade Is Back!
Join St. Agnes Cathedral School March in the
RVC St. Patrick’s Day Parade
on Saturday, March 19th!
Interested faculty, students, and families should register to march with the school by filling out the embedded form by Monday, March 7th.
Students marching with the school should wear warm clothes with St. Agnes Cathedral School spirit wear, school team sweatshirts, or the school colors, green and gold.
Students in Grades K-3 must be accompanied by an adult. Details will follow regarding our start time and line-up location. The parade is from 12 noon to 2 P.M.
If there are any drummers who would like to help give us a street beat while we march, that would be super terrific and fun! Please fill out the form below.
Grade 8 Announcements:
Graduation Picture Re-takes and Absentee Photos will be taken on Tuesday, March 15th.
Yearbook Congratulatory Messages are due when we return from Winter Recess, February 28th, please! Please click on the link below to access the information.
Yearbook Congratulatory Messages
Template for Congratulatory Messages
School will reopen on Monday, February 28th.
Enjoy the week off!
Peace and Blessings,
Mrs. Cecilia St. John, Principal