Our Easter celebration directs our attention to look further into the Cross, to see in it and through it the mystery of a profound love, a love that does not forget, a love that is sustained in us through the Holy Spirit. At Easter, we remember we celebrate the new life of His presence within us. What we celebrated from Friday to today is the core of our faith: “Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.”
May the love of the risen Christ be with you always.
~Action Today, Build for Tomorrow~
The St. Agnes Cathedral School Board’s Action Today, Build for Tomorrow appeal is underway. Join us on Saturday, May 14th, at seven o’clock in the evening, for an exciting night of food, drinks, music, casino games, and amazing prizes. Learn from professional dealers at beautiful casino-grade tables in a no-stress environment. Play Roulette, Texas hold 'em, and Blackjack while enjoying laughs with your friends and family. Use your included game chips to play and earn entries in amazing prize raffles. Test your luck at our wine and cigar ‘pull.’ Bid on amazing experiences, including the debut of new student and class-specific prizes!
The St. Agnes School Board will have 5 vacancies for the 2022-23 school year. If you are interested in serving as a School Board Member, a three-year commitment, please submit your name, a photo, and a brief biography to Mr. Brendan Quigley by April 22nd at the following email address: brendan.quigley@bakerbotts.com Please indicate St. Agnes School Board in the subject line. See below for information about the School Board nomination and approval process.
Purpose: The school board is a body organized to develop, formulate, and recommend to the rector and administration, policies for St. Agnes Cathedral School. Policies may include but are not limited to finance, equipment, enrichment activities, facilities, plant maintenance and repair, general school standards, and dissemination of information. The Board promotes the implementation of policy, upon approval by the rector. The implementation of policy is the responsibility of the rector through the principal.
Membership: The board consists of twelve members. The rector, principal, assistant principal, and presidents of the parent organizations are ex-officio members. Each member shall serve a term of three years. Members are eligible for one subsequent term. Members are responsible for attending meetings on the third Thursday of each month. Membership on the board is limited to adult (age 21 or older) members of St. Agnes Cathedral Parish and parents/guardians of children attending St. Agnes Cathedral School. Parents residing outside the parish may serve their term only as long as their children are enrolled in St. Agnes Cathedral School.
Process: A public announcement is made for the open positions in the spring by the school principal. Interested members of the school community submit a brief biography with a photograph to the Board. The Board makes their recommendations to the rector and administration for approval.
Interim Reports were mailed out on April 16th. If your child receives one, please talk to him/her about the recommendations made by his/her teacher(s).
School will resume on Monday, April 25th. Have a wonderful week off!