The science curriculum is based on the New York State Standards for Math, Science, and Technology. The K-6 curriculum systematically provides the children with a program that enables them to become scientifically literate. The major themes of physical and life science include measurement, rocks & minerals, plant life and responses, light and electrical energy, space, astronomy, systems, environmental factors and life cycles. The utilization of the Elementary Science Program emphasizes a hands-on approach to all topics. A basal text in grades 3-6 supplements the curriculum.
The grade 7 course of study emphasizes the life sciences. The major themes include the study of organisms, micro-organisms, heredity, human systems and life functions, and ecology.
The grade 8 curriculum focuses on earth science. The major themes include the structure of the universe, the solar system, matter, climate and weather, sub-systems of the earth, and energy.
A science room is available for use by all the grade levels. All science materials and supplies are centrally located in this area. Emphasis is placed on the active participation of all students. Science videos, field trips, and non-fiction materials are used to enhance and supplement the curriculum.
A New York State assessment in science is administered to students in grade 4 and 8. The test emphasizes the understanding of concepts and assesses each students ability to conduct specific science experiments.
In grades K-6, the Growing Healthy curriculum is used to present the mandated health objectives. The major grade level themes include a study of the senses, body systems, nutrition, prevention and special emphasis on the eye, lung and heart.
The health program for grade 7 includes the topics of human growth and development, body systems, diseases and disorders, alcohol and drugs, environment, community and consumer health.
The grade 8 health program focuses on alcohol and drugs and basic nutrition. A comprehensive AIDS education program is presented in grades K-8 in conjunction with the religion course of study.